The Law of Attraction – Miyamoto Musashi

Imagine revisiting an age-old wisdom from the celebrated samurai Miyamoto Musashi’s Dokkodo philosophy under the lens of the modern-day concept of the Law of Attraction. In this fascinating narrative, you journey back to dissect a rule from the Book of Five Rings that has been discussed previously, this time observed through a fresh perspective, harmonizing it with the Law of Attraction. The Philosophy Boss video dissects this understanding, offering a unique perspective to apply the lessons in real-life scenarios.

As you progress in the narrative, you are invited to explore an intriguing perspective – the way to what you desire is through deserving it. The discussion extends further into Musashi’s philosophy, introspecting a rule, ‘humility is strength, consider yourself lightly, consider the world deeply.’ This dialogue deciphers the rule’s potent relevance in the real world and its connection to the Law of Attraction. The revelations and the implications aligning this philosophy with your everyday life is the essence of this narrative journey.

The Law of Attraction - Miyamoto Musashi

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Table of Contents

Understanding Miyamoto Musashi’s Perspective on The Law of Attraction

Japanese Swordsman Miyamoto Musashi

Miyamoto Musashi was no ordinary swordsman; he was a legendary Samurai known for his unique double-bladed swordsmanship and successful duels. His teachings and philosophy extend beyond the use of the sword and convey insights with profound implications for various aspects of life, including the law of attraction.

Musashi’s Dokkodo and its Connection to the Law of Attraction

Musashi wrote a document before his death, known as Dokkodo (“The Way of Walking Alone”), where his life principles were laid out. One of those rules said, “Consider yourself lightly; consider the world deeply.” This rule initially seems to deal with humility, but when looked at from another angle, it reveals a significant connection to the law of attraction.

The Concept of Humility in Musashi’s Teachings

Musashi emphasizes the importance of humility in his teachings – consider yourself lightly. However, this is not about undervaluing oneself. Instead, it’s about not overestimating our importance or allowing our egos to cloud our relationships with others and the world. By maintaining humility, we create room for growth and learning, ultimately attracting more opportunities and experiences.

Decoding Musashi’s Principle: ‘Consider the World Deeply’

The Meaning of Considering the World Deeply

When Musashi advises to “consider the world deeply,” he is encouraging us to focus outward. To look beyond our desires and needs, to understand and add value to the world around us. This outward focus is a practical way to apply the law of attraction, by making ourselves valuable, thereby attracting more of what we desire.

How to Apply it in the Real World

Applying this in the real world means not focusing solely on what you want, but on what you can offer the world. Whether in work, career, or relationships, it’s about distinguishing your unique value and making it known. This offers a practical, grounded approach to the law of attraction that requires real-world action.

How this Principle Challenges General Law of Attraction Theories

Most popular law of attraction theories put an extreme focus on our minds and thoughts to manifest desires. Musashi’s teaching challenges this; he suggests that real-world action and contribution are just as – if not more – important. It’s not just about wanting something; it’s about deserving it.

Check out the The Law of Attraction - Miyamoto Musashi here.

The Law of Attraction in Real Life Scenarios

Common Misconceptions about the Law of Attraction

A widespread misconception about the law of attraction centers around the belief that just thinking about what you want will manifest it. Musashi’s philosophy illustrates that we must acquire understanding and contribute value to the world, shifting from self-centered desires to serving greater needs.

Replacing Self-Focus with World-Orientation

Embrace Musashi’s principle by shifting from a self-focused orientation to a world-orientation. By considering the world and its needs deeply, we make ourselves essential. Only then do we deserve what we want and attract it naturally.

The Importance of Offering Value to the World

The world cares less about what we want, more about what we offer. Business partners care about the profit potential of the partnership. Potential life partners are interested in how you can enhance their lives. Thus by offering genuine value to the world, we heighten the chances of attraction.

Relating it to Business and Career Development

Understanding Your Value in Business Relationships

In business relationships, your value isn’t just gauged by your skills or experience. It’s also about your ability to solve problems and offer innovative solutions. Highlight these aspects and you’ll be seen as a valuable addition.

Why it’s Important to Make Yourself Valuable

Making yourself valuable links directly with Musashi’s principle. The more value you offer, the more the world considers you worthwhile. Thus, you become the ‘prize,’ attractive to potential business partners, employers, or colleagues.

Differentiating Yourself from the Majority

Differentiate yourself by considering the world deeply and focusing on how you can solve its problems, offer unique value, and continuously learn and grow. This path differentiates you from the majority instantly, making you highly attractive in any field.

The Law of Attraction - Miyamoto Musashi

Becoming The Prize in Relationship Contexts

The Concept of Attracting Vs Chasing in Relationships

In relationships, the principle of considering the world deeply applies by focusing on what you can offer to a potential partner rather than what you can get. This shift in focus stops the chase and starts the attraction, making you the ‘prize.’

How Realizing Your Own Value can Improve your Relationships

By realizing and demonstrating your value, you improve yourself, enrich your relationships, and become more attractive. In doing so, you affirm Musashi’s principle that the best way to get what you want is by deserving it.

Importance of Value Perception in Attraction

Value perception plays a crucial role in attraction. It’s not enough to be valuable; you must also be perceived as valuable. Hence, portray your worth explicitly, enhancing your chances of attracting what you desire.

Practical Illustration of Musashi’s Perspective

How to Apply the Principle in Job Interviews

When you’re at a job interview, demonstrate your understanding of the industry’s challenges and offer solutions. Don’t view the company as the prize; position yourself as the prize. This way, you’re not chasing the job, but attracting it.

Studying Industry Problems for Career Advancement

To advance your career, study the problems facing your industry and develop suitable solutions. In doing so, you emphasize your worth and edge out the competition, thereby attracting better opportunities.

Communicating Your Value to Potential Employers

Don’t merely list your qualifications. Prove your value by showing how you can solve problems or improve a company’s operations. By communicating your value, you enhance your chances of being hired.

Changing the Interview Game: Positioning Yourself as the Prize

Consider yourselves and the potential employers as equals, needing each other equally. By positioning yourself as the prize rather than the petitioner, you change the interview game in your favor. This approach emanates confidence, thereby increasing your attractiveness.

The Law of Attraction - Miyamoto Musashi

The Crucial Two Conditions for Musashi’s Principle to Work

The Need to Actually Become Valuable

Before attracting what you want, you must possess tangible value in the relevant area. It might mean acquiring skills, education, experience, or developing a unique idea. The catch is to transform yourself into an asset.

The Need to be Perceived as Valuable

Being valuable isn’t enough; you also need to be perceived as valuable. Therefore, it’s crucial to hone your communication and presentation skills. It highlights your value, allowing others to see you as you see yourself.

Self-Evaluation: Am I Valuable?

Ask yourself: “Am I valuable?” and “Am I perceived as valuable?” Honest reflection on these questions can be a tremendous personal growth tool. It guides you to the improvements you need to attract better opportunities and accomplishments.

The Law of Attraction in Multiple Fields

Applying Musashi’s Principle in Business, Careers, and relationships

Musashi’s principle transcends specific fields; it’s universally applicable. Whether you’re considering business, careers, or relationships, develop your worth, present it strikingly, and watch as you become irresistibly attractive.

Using the Principle to Get Ahead of Competition

When you consistently apply Musashi’s principle, you not only attract what you want but also get ahead of your competition. By approaching the world deeply, you distinguish yourself from the crowd, gaining a significant advantage.

Generalizing Musashi’s Principle for Different Scenarios

Musashi’s principle is a potent tool that’s adaptable to various scenarios. With it, you can transform any situation by becoming the ‘prize,’ deserving, and attracting what you want, outpacing your competition in the process.

Case Studies Supporting Musashi’s Interpretation of Law of Attraction

Real Life Cases Where People Became The Prize

In real-life scenarios, those who focus on becoming valuable and communicating their value often find themselves becoming the ‘prize.’ Whether it’s within the domains of business, employment, or relationships, they attract their desires.

Experiences of People Who Applied Musashi’s Principle

People who have applied Musashi’s principle found that it requires effort, but the pay-off is significant. They experienced improved relationships, business partnerships, and careers. The journey towards becoming valuable makes the law of attraction a fulfilling endeavor.

The Effective Use of Musashi’s Principles to Attract Opportunities

By focusing on becoming valuable and being perceived as valuable, you apply Musashi’s principles effectively to attract opportunities. Remember, the world is not just looking for what you want; it’s looking for what you can offer.


The Impact of Embracing the Consider the World Deeply Principle

Embracing the “consider the world deeply” principle could resolve your struggles with the law of attraction. It encourages offering tangible value and communicating this effectively, attracting opportunities and advantages you truly deserve.

Unveiling the Counter-Intuitive Nature of Musashi’s Interpretation of Attraction

Musashi’s interpretation of attraction may seem counter-intuitive as it emphasizes contribution rather than reception. However, this outward focus and pursuit of value make you irresistibly attractive, setting you apart from the crowd.

Applying Musashi’s Principle towards Achieving a Fulfilling Life

In summary, Musashi’s principles guide us to a fulfilling life. By focusing more on becoming valuable and delivering value, we attract what we want. So now you know a new way to interpret and apply the law of attraction, what are you going to do about it?

Discover more about the The Law of Attraction - Miyamoto Musashi.

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