Understanding the Law of Attraction

Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey through Bob Proctor’s thoughts on the Law of Attraction. With insights coming from an individual whose life has profoundly been impacted by this concept and a passion to transform your life in a similar fashion, this piece will engage and empower you. Proctor, known for his widely influential book “You Were Born Rich,” not only offers an in-depth look into the Law of Attraction but also reveals its ancient roots and explains its closer relationship with the Law of Vibration – which asserts that everything vibrates and nothing is ever at rest.

Imagine stepping into a world of limitless possibilities, where your goals are not just dreams, but attainable realities. As you explore this article, you’ll learn to distinguish between A-Type Goals (things you already know how to do), B-Type Goals (things you think you can do), and more importantly, C-Type Goals (things you want but have no idea how to achieve). Proctor’s perspective will challenge you to contemplate your C-Type Goals and unlock the power that understanding the Law of Attraction can have in helping you actualize these desires. You’re about to discover how your mind, energy, and the invisible threads that bind everything in life can collaboratively land you where you aspire to be.

Discover more about the Understanding the Law of Attraction.

Table of Contents

Origins and Influence of Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction isn’t a new concept. Its roots can be traced back to ancient times, and it was even discussed by industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in 1908. His teachings influenced great thinkers and imparted them with the understanding that attracting wealth and success begins with the self.### Ancient roots including discussions by Andrew Carnegie

Carnegie’s assertion of the Law of Attraction as a fundamental principle in achieving success greatly influenced Napoleon Hill, prompting the writing of the iconic book “Think and Grow Rich”. Carnegie believed that successful people achieved their goals not by mere chance, but by attracting the success they sought.

Popularization through ‘The Secret’

Though the Law of Attraction has remained a subject of discussion among a select few for years, it only became popular with the general public through the book and movie ‘The Secret’. The film and its companion book reached a global audience, influencing over half a billion people with its life-changing principles.

Impact of Bob Proctor’s work and talks

Adding to this ripple effect is the work of motivational speaker Bob Proctor. With his book, ‘You Were Born Rich’, and his talks available for free on his website, Proctor offers an in-depth understanding of the Law of Attraction and its potential to significantly change people’s lives.

Overview and Primary Principles

Understanding is the first step to utilization. To make the most of the Law of Attraction, we need to understand its principles and their influence on our life in its entirety.

Law of Attraction as a secondary law to the Law of Vibration

Bob Proctor asserts that the Law of Vibration is the primary law, and the Law of Attraction is secondary to it. This principle posits that everything, from the tangible to the intangible, vibrates. As the universe is in a state of perpetual motion, we are essentially living within an ocean of motion.

Understanding of everything as energy

Everything is energy – the car you drive, the water you drink, or the body you reside in. The chair you’re sitting on or the device you’re reading this on — whatever you can touch and whatever you can’t — everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.

Totality of the mind: Conscious, subconscious, and the body

The mind is divided into the conscious and subconscious parts, with the body acting as the embodiment of the mind. It’s a uniquely complex instrument through which we send out and respond to vibrations, impacting what we attract.

Influence of these laws on personal life changes

Bob Proctor stresses that understanding and applying these laws can have a profound impact on our personal lives. Whether it’s attracting wealth, health, or happiness, the right understanding and application can bring about significant positive changes.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

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Discover more about the Understanding the Law of Attraction.

Objectives and Goals

Bob Proctor has organized goals into three categories: A-type, B-type, and C-type. Here’s the distinction.

Distinction between A-Type, B-Type, and C-Type Goals

A-Type goals are familiar and within your comfort zone. They represent things you have already achieved before or know how to achieve. B-Type goals, on the other hand, are calculated risks. These are objectives you believe you can achieve with some effort but may require resources and skills you currently lack. C-Type goals are your dreams, the ambitious targets that don’t just stretch your imagination but inspire you and evoke a deep yearning.

The emphasis on C-Type Goals achievement through understanding the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction can be a powerful tool in realizing your C-type goals — those that seem far beyond reach but move your heart and spirit. By tuning your vibrations to match the vibration of the desired outcome, you can attract that reality into your life.

Nature of Energy and Vibration

Everything in this universe is in a state of vibration, and these vibrations play a crucial role in what we attract into our lives. Energy, vibrations, and frequency are inextricably linked in this process.

Concept of waves, visible and invisible worlds

Much like sound or heat, everything that exists emits vibrations, whether we can see it or not. This concept extends to our thoughts and feelings, which also generate vibrations that permeate into the universe.

The relationship between physical and non-physical world

The physical and non-physical are two aspects of the same existence. The physical world is visible and tangible, while the non-physical consists of thoughts, emotions, and the energy that radiates from every living being.

Albert Einstein’s theory on energy and frequency

Albert Einstein, with his theory of relativity, presented the idea that everything is energy and that all energy vibrates at a specific frequency. If you want to manifest something, you need to match your frequency to the frequency of the desired state or object.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Perception, Beliefs, and Actions

According to Proctor, our perceptions, beliefs, and actions are intimately connected to the kind of life we live and what we attract into it.

Role of senses in perception and actions

Our senses play a significant role in shaping our perceptions, which in turn guide our actions. These actions define the kind of life we lead, making it essential to be mindful of what we perceive and believe.

School card report as a gauge of learning

A school report card, for example, is a gauge of how much we have learned. However, it’s also a testament to our beliefs about our capabilities and our perceptions about ourselves.

The significance of internal origin of external reality

Our external reality mirrors our internal state of mind. It means that the life we live is a reflection of our predominant thoughts, beliefs, and feelings, underscoring the importance of maintaining a positive and empowering mindset.

Controlling Vibration and Attraction

Controlling our vibrations and consequently what we attract into our lives lies at the heart of the Law of Attraction.

Understanding and controlling your mind

By understanding our minds and learning how to control them, we gain the ability to control our vibrations, and in turn, our lives.

Brain’s role as a switch station for vibrations

Our brain functions as a switch station for the body’s vibrations. By changing our minds, we can change the vibrations we’re in and consequently what we attract.

Influence of controlled vibrations on life’s outcomes

Our vibrations play an instrumental role in determining the outcomes of our lives. By controlling these vibrations, we can influence and shape our life’s direction and what we attract into it.

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction and Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind plays a critical role in the Law of Attraction. It is where we hold our deepest beliefs, and these beliefs determine the nature of the vibrations we send out to the universe.

The subconscious mind’s role in accepting reality

Our subconscious mind does not distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. Consequently, it informs our mental vibrations based on the beliefs and perceptions it harbors.

Influence of the subconscious mind on personal vibrations

The subconscious mind influences our personal vibrations. By changing the beliefs held by the subconscious mind, we can alter our own vibrations and attract different circumstances in our lives.

The connection between subconscious paradigms and what we attract

There’s a strong connection between the paradigms we hold in our subconscious mind and what we attract into our lives. By altering these paradigms, we can change what we attract.

Utilizing the Law of Attraction in Manifestation

When we understand the Law of Attraction and our role in leveraging it, we can utilize it for manifestation – consciously bringing our dreams into reality.

Matching personal frequency with desires to manifest them

Manifestation happens when we align our personal frequency with our desires. By tuning our vibrations to match that of what we want, we align ourselves to receive it.

Visualization and focus for goal achievement

Visualizing the desired outcomes and staying focused on these visions can help tune your vibrations and bring about their manifestation.

Importance of alignment between personal beliefs and desired state

Our personal beliefs must align with our desired state for successful manifestation. If we don’t believe that we can achieve a goal, our vibrations won’t match the frequency required for its manifestation.

Intuition vs Intellect

Intuition and intellect are two critical aspects of our cognitive faculties that we use to understand and interact with the world.

Respect and utilization of intuitive mind

Respecting and utilizing our intuitive mind can help us operate more effectively. While we have been conditioned to trust only our intellect, the intuitive mind is a powerful tool. It should be nurtured, respected, and used alongside our intellect.

Importance of operating beyond the sensory level

Our senses provide us with a wealth of information about the world around us, but there’s more to life than what we can perceive through our senses. Operating beyond the sensory level allows us to tune in to vibrations and frequencies.

Perception of breakthroughs by others

As we venture beyond our comfort zone and make groundbreaking changes in our lives, those around us may struggle to understand these changes initially. However, we should not let others’ perceptions hinder our pursuit of our dreams and desires.


To summarise, understanding the Law of Attraction and learning how to utilize it can significantly change our lives. By taking control of the vibrations we send out, we can align ourselves with the life we desire and begin to manifest it.

Summary of the importance of understanding the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction explains how we bring certain experiences and outcomes into our lives. By understanding this law, we can take conscious control of our life’s trajectory and attract the things we want.

How such understanding can aid in manifesting dreams and goals

The understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works can equip us to better achieve our dreams and goals. By matching our personal frequency with that of our desires, we can attract and manifest them into our lives.

Endnote on the potential of these laws to significantly change lives

The laws of vibration and attraction have the potential to cause significant shifts in our lives. By understanding and diligently applying these laws, we can make constant strides towards a future that aligns with our grandest visions.

See the Understanding the Law of Attraction in detail.

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